A Nation in Chaos
As suddenly as the chaotic events of 2020 came upon us, the next election cycle of 2022 has rolled into process this very day. Indeed, cries amongst conservatives to “take back the country” ring everywhere amidst this beautiful land of freedom. There is no doubt that the cultural waters of these last two years of American history have been turbulent. COVID, an abnormal presidential election, January 6th, lockdowns, masks, vaccines, mandates, abortion, LGBTQ, Critical Race Theory, economic uncertainty, and I honestly cannot even keep track of the numerous issues dotting our landscape. Each one of these points served as proverbial landmines shaking up the nation to the very core. Regardless of your political position, you almost certainly have thoughts about these issues and know that whatever they are they not only divide those in our nation, but do so in a deeply profound manner.
In such a climate, conservatives are rightly eager to kick the radical left out of office with a desire to take back the Senate and the House. In complete honesty, I hope that not only happens, but that it does so with such thundering authority that it sends the left reeling. Perhaps we can get men in office who desire to actually lead this country on the basis of truth with courage. Men who have a spine and are actually willing to call a spade a spade heroically standing up against evil. Yet, if there is a thundering conservative victory I have a couple of concerns. It is vital we view this as the first shot in the cultural battle, not the final triumphant blast.
Not Repaired Overnight
This nation was built on the backs of Christians who believed the Bible was their authority for all of life. It took them years to defeat Britain and even longer to build a thriving nation afterward. Sacrifice, pain, and difficulty marked their lives as they sought to charter a course of freedom for future generations. Sadly, many have been working to unravel that foundation of a biblical worldview in this country for many, many years now. Building again upon that stable ground shall take time and hard work. One election cycle will not finalize the effort. Instead, we as believers must be continually diligent to proclaim the Gospel and uphold God’s standards of righteousness over the entirety of our lives. These actions are not taken during heated cultural moments alone, but are part of our fundamental calling as believers. If anything, the manner by which this country has sunk should be a slap of discipline upon the people of God. We have shirked our responsibilities to be salt and light and it is high time we get serious!
Simply winning a political election is not our end goal. We want to see the nations (including our own) being won to Christ by the power of the Gospel serving Him in every realm of life. Certainly, if we believe Christ must be honored in all of life, that is going to inherently include the political realm. Yet, the Gospel is still the foundation for it is only through the regenerating work of the Spirit that men will be made new to walk in obedience to God’s Word. Therefore, my plea is that even if conservatives win the election cycle, we must not slack in any way. Instead, it is vital for us to continue marching forward with courage. Do your duty and vote for the most righteous candidates you can in this midterm, but do not rest on that alone. This nation was not built overnight, the chaotic times did not originate overnight, and we most certainly shall not regain stability overnight.
Hold Politicians Accountable
Another concern I have is that conservatives will get into office only to do a bunch of nothing. People get tremendously eager to go to the voting booth with great resolve. However, actually staying in contact with their officials is another thing altogether. But friends, this is America, you can actually contact those who are elected to represent you urging them to vote for righteousness. I have on multiple occasions contacted governing officials like my state senators giving them biblically-based reasons to take specific actions. While I am sure it is not always this way, my state representative offices have always taken the time to contact me back and have even talked over the phone with me.
My point is that while going to the voting booth is ground zero for political involvement, it certainly should not be the sole activity. If we elect conservative individuals who only sit on their hands for two years we have wasted the opportunity given to us. The American governmental system dignifies everyday people like you and I by giving us a voice because we are created in God’s image. We must take the responsibility to use that voice wisely according to God’s Word. Let us hold politicians accountable to make the right decisions while in office. Communicate biblical standards with them and let them know that you will be praying for them. This is all part of our civic duty as citizens of this country.
Concluding Thoughts
I do not know for sure what will happen during this midterm cycle. Whatever the case may be, I urge you to get out and vote taking your biblical worldview right along with you. Honor Christ the Lord by taking stands for what is good true and beautiful being informed by His Word. Vote for the best candidates possible and use wisdom as you examine all of the issues at stake. If we learn anything from this midterm, let it be a call to us that we need to undertake our basic duties with greater diligence. May we be rekindled to proclaim the Gospel that lost sinners may be saved. I pray we are renewed in our spirits to apply God’s Word in our current day in every realm. Finally, let us stand firm for righteousness’ sake knowing we serve Christ the King who reigns over all!
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