I thought I would try something a bit different in this post and give you five book recommendations for 2021. These are all books I think would be worthy of your time to consider reading and glean from during this year.
1. A Christian Manifesto by Francis Schaeffer
I was immensely helped in understanding what is going on in our society today by Schaeffer’s book written about 40-years ago. He covers the battle between humanism and Christianity in modern society. He discusses how humanism has influenced society wreaking havoc in multiple ways. The necessity to bring Christianity to bear in all of life and fight against humanistic thinking is drilled down in this book. Schaeffer covers everything from the distinctions between these worldviews to the subject of civil disobedience and the Christian. Even more, he does all of this masterfully and is incredibly helpful in the content he covers. (Note: None of the product links are affiliate links).
2. The Daring Mission of William Tyndayle
Dr. Lawson is an amazing writer and the story of William Tyndale is incredibly fascinating. If you read the English Bible, then it is in no small part due to the fact that Tyndale gave his life to translate the Scripture into the English language. The story is inspiring and heroic, I believe you will be encouraged and strengthened by reading it!
3. Expository Apologetics by Dr. Voddie Baucham
This is not your typical apologetics book. Normally, the approach to this field is to tell you how to make an argument for Christianity. That concept is quite needed, but Dr. Baucham teaches you how to think like an apologist in this book. He spends some time on different arguments, but he is mainly interested in teaching you how to be a good apologist. It is very beneficial and you will find it helpful for engaging with unbelievers.
4. Live Not By Lies by Rod Dreher
You can find my full review of this book here. While I do not agree with Dreher on 100% of everything, he is quite fascinating in this book and extremely thought-provoking. He makes a solid case for the coming of totalitarianism to America and how Christians should react.
5. The Holiness of God by Dr. R.C. Sproul
What an amazing book by Dr. Sproul, undoubtedly a 20th century Christian classic! He uses his incredible writing skills and goes through the holiness of God and the impact that truth has upon Christians. One of the best books in the 20th century written by one of that century’s preimmenent theologians.
Well, those are the 5-books I would recommend you add to your reading list for the year 2021. What books should I read in 2021? Let me know in the comments!
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