Double Standards
What makes freedom in America special? I mean, everyone believes in freedom for somebody. Hitler believed in freedom for his so-called “master race” which he promoted. Prior to Wilberforce England believed in freedom for the white man but not for the black. Many nations have certain groups who are allowed to be free, but if you do not belong to that group then you are not given freedom. The Jews were brutally slaughtered in Nazi Germany. Black individuals were enslaved even in America until the late 19th century. You see, everyone believes in freedom for someone, but the difference with America is that we have said we believe in freedom for everyone. That is why we ended slavery, it was certainly wrong to enslave, but please understand we defeated it because we believe in freedom.
The Declaration of Independence clearly talks about the fact that every, single human being has been endowed with unalienable rights by their Creator.1 I support the freedom of speech for someone I disagree with because it is their God-given right to talk even if what they say is unintelligible. We as Americans have traditionally engaged in friendly debate amongst those with whom we disagree and not silenced them. Now, however, you are not free to say whatever you desire. You are not free to voice your opinions if they disagree with the radical left. Social media companies like Twitter and Facebook have decided that if you hold to conservative values, then your voice is not worthy to be heard. Tech giants like Apple, Google, and Amazon have joined in by participating in the censorship. Former First Lady Michelle Obama called for the tech giants to censor President Trump.2 They have been all too eager to not only silence President Trump but many conservative voices as well. You are allowed to have free speech in America, so long as you speak the “correct” words and support the “correct” parties, ideas, and individuals.
The Silenced
The Left is trying to completely silence any conservative voice that disagrees with their dictates. Even you dear reader, if you hold to any form of conservative values are a target of Leftist-driven institutions. We are the ones kicked out of the orthodoxy, we are those whose opinions are considered “dangerous” because of the claim that we “incite violence.” Traditionally, in this country if you say you are willing to proclaim, stand, and fight for freedom you would be applauded, now you are labelled as a hater and not allowed to speak your opinions. Of course, this claim of “inciting violence” is completely arbitrary since peace-loving conservative Christians like Eric Metaxas are increasingly censored, but BLM Marxist activists are promoted. We, the conservatives, are the ones standing in the way of the leftist agenda. The only thing between the Left and their goal is the freedom loving individuals of this country. They are quickly encroaching upon their objective of remaking America and attempting to remake the world. We are the barrier between this ideology’s goals and the success of this agenda. The targeted individuals, the ones whose opinions are no longer worthy of a voice, we are the last stand for freedom.
The fact that we have been ousted by American institutions should not come as a surprise to us at this moment. Martin Niemöller who lived under Nazi Germany said this:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
The institutions within America have been launching an assault on the citizens of this country for years. They came after the unborn and many did nothing. They came after Christians by banning prayer from the public schools and more, yet still many did nothing. They targeted those holding to marriage being between one man and one woman as instituted by God and many did nothing. They came after children through the education system with leftist values and many did nothing. Now, they are going after anyone and everyone who holds to any form of traditional conservative values . . . is there anyone left to do something?
The Silenced Proclaimers
Now, that we are the ones who have had our freedom of speech taken from us I do believe the left will find they have awoken the proverbial sleeping giant. Conservatism is most certainly not dead in America. Biblical Christianity is also definitely still alive in this country, there are plenty of faithful pastors and Christians who still have a backbone. We are now those ousted from society who have the sole duty of preserving liberty and freedom for the glory of God and the good of our fellow man. Our objective as Christians is to stand and proclaim the truth in this moment. The lost need the Gospel and everyone needs to hear the truth of biblical Christianity. It is our duty to fight for that which is good. We will not tire in this objective and we must not bow to the idol of the tyranny of comfort. Undoubtedly, sacrifices for freedom will have to be made. If you hold to biblical Christianity there will be places you cannot shop, places you cannot go, and platforms you are not allowed to access. However, it is our duty to sacrifice temporary comfort for the sake of the truth! Is the freedom of your neighbor worth the sacrifice of your comfort? I should hope we would all answer that question resoundingly in the affirmative
We are the silenced proclaimers who preserve the cause of truth and freedom. Ousted by the mainstream institutions we must find other places for our voice. If we allow our voices to die then the voice of freedom has been extinguished. Americans do not believe in freedom for only a select few, we believe in freedom for all humans since all are created in the image of God. If we do not hold that fact dear then liberty will die for all who do not hold to the “correct” values. If freedom dies for some, then in a real sense it dies for all. Therefore, we must take our stand upon the truth of Holy Scripture and declare the truth in all situations. We are the silenced outcasts charged with proclaiming the truth, let us not grow weary in this duty!
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