The Applauded Assertion of Our Day
Theology is very simply put the study of God. In modern times, it seems as though the most popular theological belief is to affirm that you hold to no theology. Saying that you hold to “no theology” makes about as much sense as saying you absolutely believe there is no absolute truth or morality. Everyone believes in truth, as evidenced by the fact that even those who object to the concept are absolutely certain they are telling the truth that there is no such thing as truth. Everyone believes in some sort of morality, as seen in the person who claims to reject the notion becoming indignant because you stole his wallet! According to the Scripture, everyone knows God exists but those who are not Christian simply suppress this truth (Romans 1:18).
Even those who profess to be devout atheists are profoundly theological in their beliefs. Atheists claim it is illogical to believe in God so they say they refuse to affirm any sort of divine being. Their worldview claims everything is purely material, that is, all that exists is simply what we can see, feel, touch, taste, hear, and smell. However, one wonders how they can affirm any sort of logic under this worldview? Dear reader, have you ever heard the sounds made by any of the laws of logic? Have you tasted of the law of noncontradiction? Tell me, is it bitter or sweet? Salty or spicy? You see, these are immaterial concepts and to say they are material is not in alignment with reality. Atheists are quite theological in saying there is no God while borrowing from the Christian worldview for them to even wrongly try to assert that point.
My point is that if you want to be hailed as a hero in our day you simply need to assert there is no such thing as a true and false theology. Make the statement there is no absolute truth and you will be applauded. If you go far enough as to say Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians all believe the same thing you may even find yourself being entitled one of the “religious leaders” of our time! The only truth which men wish to applaud in our day is the assertion that there is not truth at all. But, the problem is that every worldview and every person is profoundly theological. All people engage in theology, the question isn’t whether you are theological, the question is whether or not your theology is correct?
The Real Impact of Theology
What you believe about God will actually determine the rest of your beliefs. If you claim to believe all religions are equally true, then you should be comfortable worshipping at a Hindu temple then partaking in a Catholic mass afterwards. If your affirm the divinity of trees then you will protest if a man tries to chop them down. A person who believes Allah is divine will have a much different conception of the government than a Christian. The point is that theology really does matter. What a person says about God will impact every other view they hold in their entire life. The real influence of theology is that it determines how we view everything in our lives and our eternal destinies.
Therefore, to say that theology isn’t important or to assert all theological beliefs are equally valid is simply to ignore the problem. It is equivalent to a biology teacher giving a multiple choice exam and telling the students whatever answer they choose is equally valid and there is no ultimate difference between them. How would you like to go to the doctor who was trained in that class and selected the answer which said “the heart is the organ which is in the head?” How much more illegitimate is to say that there are no ultimate answers when it comes to the topic of the God of the universe? It is infinitely more egregious of an error for we are talking about an infinite subject namely God!
The atheist who asserts there is no God has no ultimate standard to determine his daily moral decisions. Christians look to the Word of God in all choices they make. The believer who toils away for 50-years at a job can find meaning in his life because meaning is found in God. The agnostic painfully searches for meaning because they do not know God. The impact of theology upon our daily life and how we view each moment is painstakingly real. Let us not then take this area lightly.
The God Who Is and Who Is Plainly Known
The reality of the true God, the God of the Bible determines everything. God is the One who defines our moral standards since morality is based upon His unchanging character. This fact is why Scripture commands “You shall be holy, for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16).” True logic, knowledge, and wisdom are found in Christ. For it is said that “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are hidden in Him (Colossians 2:3). God has plainly revealed Himself, Scripture says, “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them (Romans 1:19).” This truth means that all humanity is without excuse for their sin and for wickedly refusing to worship God! God is there and He has plainly revealed Himself and all know He is real and that He is supreme.
This fact means that the only correct theology is that which accords with God. His revelation is found in the Holy Scripture, the Bible. It is there that we find His specific revelation and how He has called us to live. Parents know how to raise their children because they have seen what God says in His Word. Husbands and wives know how to relate to one another because God has spoken in His Word. God establishes everything and He has given us all we need to know to live pleasing before Him in His Word.
The Outflowing Conclusion
Since God exists and since He has revealed Himself, then the only way to live life consistent with reality is to know God and obey Him. The only way to know God is to place saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. You are dramatically changed and born again by the sovereign work of God and then you realize the call to live obediently to Him. True theology then leads to correct living which honors God for you know you must submit to Him and to His Word. Many of our problems could be fixed if we just realized this basic reality. I am not saying that if you need $1,000 immediately that simply believing in God will make that figure magically appear. What I am saying is that if you need to know how to manage your money you should seek to do so in a way that honors God and you can gain clarity by reading His Word. In this way, things which are often humanly complex become much clearer by simply submitting to the ways of God.
The right theology then, the correct understanding of God, is paramount to how you live. So, do you need to gain clarity on issues in your life? Do you need to know how you are to live in this world? I urge you to come to God and read His Word to know how the Creator of all has called you to live. Develop a rich, true theology so that you may then apply that theology for the honor of the God of the universe. The person who says there is “no theology” and there is “no truth” will not know how to live in this world. Those who hold to the Scripture and base their lives upon it by knowing God through Christ will live with certainty and true conviction as to how they should live. Theology matters, and I hope you will seek to mine the depths of the Word of God for the sake of the glory of His name!
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