The Foundations The task of the Christian apologist (defender of the faith) is to uphold the authority of the Word of God giving a defense robustly built upon it ( We must understand that unbelievers oppose Christianity not simply with arguments differing on one or two points, but … [Read more...] about The Inevitable Collision Between Belief and Unbelief
Progress Towards What?
The Language of Progressivism No doubt any individual involved in paying close attention to cultural, political, and theological affairs understands the importance of words. Just as a glancing illustration, if you are pro-abortion, for the LGBTQ agenda, and adamantly work for the “social justice” movement, then you would be labeled a “progressive” in the eyes of the popular … [Read more...] about Progress Towards What?
The Need To Clearly See Critical Race Theory As Part of An Opposing Worldview
Understanding Critical Race Theory is Part of A Worldview Conversations around subjects like Critical Race Theory have blown up the news cycles over the last couple of years. Personally, I have made no bones about the fact that I am staunchly opposed to CRT. That being said, one aspect which is important to remember in this conversation is that CRT is simply one part of a … [Read more...] about The Need To Clearly See Critical Race Theory As Part of An Opposing Worldview
Looking Into The Cultural Beehives
Beyond The Box I am a beekeeper. Working outside in my colonies with thousands of insects whizzing around me is a normal part of my life. Learning to observe deeply and be curious are two vital keys for maintaining healthy bees, thereby obtaining the end goal of that delicacy known as liquid gold. If I am to have gallons of honey for personal consumption as well as sales, … [Read more...] about Looking Into The Cultural Beehives
Why I Believe The Bible: Let’s Discuss Ultimate Authority
Foundational Worldview Commitments When we discuss an ultimate authority, we are really talking about the final standard in your worldview. As a Bible-believing Christian, the Scripture (66-books from Genesis-Revelation) is my ultimate authority. Now, at this point, I must already stop from my main thrust and give a point of clarification. I don't think anyone could … [Read more...] about Why I Believe The Bible: Let’s Discuss Ultimate Authority