Foundational Worldview Commitments When we discuss an ultimate authority, we are really talking about the final standard in your worldview. As a Bible-believing Christian, the Scripture (66-books from Genesis-Revelation) is my ultimate authority. Now, at this point, I must already stop from my main thrust and give a point of clarification. I don't think anyone could … [Read more...] about Why I Believe The Bible: Let’s Discuss Ultimate Authority
Ultimate authority
Man is Not The Measure of All Things
The Ultimate Authority When a man begins to see himself as the ultimate arbiter of what is good, you can be certain evil will be shortly around the bend in that individual’s attempt to destroy the rest of humanity. If the human race starts to believe it holds in its hands the keys to the definition of truth, the lies will appear in abundance. That moment when humanity … [Read more...] about Man is Not The Measure of All Things