“What do you want to do?” people wanted to know as soon as I finished high school. It was a problem, because I was already doing what I wanted to do. I was writing. I was teaching in my local church. I was using my extra time to plant my garden. The culture around me—even the Christian culture—scolded that it wasn’t enough. I needed to do something bigger that would … [Read more...] about The Christian Life: Quiet, Little, & Long
The Call of The Hobbit
The ring of power has been handed down to Frodo, the heir of Bilbo. Years have gone by since he received this “heirloom” from the elder hobbit. Now, Gandalf the wizard is advising Frodo on what to do with the ring of power. Shall they destroy it? Perhaps, Frodo thinks, it could be obliterated with a hammer? Maybe burned in the fire? None of this is actually possible. In order … [Read more...] about The Call of The Hobbit