What Happened? How is it that a country like America can change from having a tremendous Christian influence in its foundation to the ten commandments being banned from the schools? How can it be that the country which protects liberty and freedom for all can slaughter over 60-million innocent lives in the womb? What is it that makes the country which claims it is “one … [Read more...] about Christianity vs Humanism: Morality
Christianity vs Humanism
Christianity vs Humanism: Truth
Foundations For Truth I am quite certain that every single human being believes in absolute truth. I am well-aware of the fact that some individuals say they don’t believe in absolute truth. However, that is frankly like saying, “I don’t believe in vocal chords” while simultaneously using them to utter those words. Truth exists, the truth is you are reading this blog right … [Read more...] about Christianity vs Humanism: Truth
Christianity vs Humanism: Reality
Opposing Realities In the opening of his book A Christian Manifesto, Francis Schaeffer discusses some of the differences between Christianity and Humanism. Truthfully, it is not just that these two worldviews differ at peripheral points, rather they are completely different and stand totally opposed to each other. Schaeffer says: These two world views stand as total in … [Read more...] about Christianity vs Humanism: Reality