Sliding Right Down The Hill
It will never happen they said. Don’t worry, we would never go that far they claimed. The interesting fact about a revolution based on radicalism is the reality that it is almost impossible to control. Once you reject the notion of absolute truth revealed by the Creator God the brakes are left disengaged. Such is evidenced by the reality that polygamous unions are now on the table for debate amongst American political circles. Over the past decades, we have seen the culminating snowball rolling down the hill that is the sexual revolution. It has sought to destroy the family unit, legitimize homosexuality, and transform the landscape of Western culture as we know it.
Tony Perkins, writing for The Washington Stand, details the story of a New York Judge making some provocative comments about polygamous unions. Judge Karen May Bacdayan declared in a decision that the issue with previous same-sex marriage rulings was that they only recognized relationships limited to two individuals. Mr. Perkins gives the background of the case:
“At the heart of the case was an apartment dispute, triggered when a tenant, who had a gay spouse living elsewhere, died. The landlords argued that the man he did live with didn’t have a right to renew the lease because the two weren’t married. When the roommate objected, arguing that he was a ‘non-traditional family member,’ the judge decided to hold a hearing on whether all three were romantically involved.”1
Now, this is not some sort of an unconnected argument that is merely a one-time occurrence in the political realm. Instead, Judge Bacdayan sees it as the outpouring following on the heels of previous judicial decisions. Her comments are well worth quoting in full:
“In sum, the problem with Braschi and Obergefell is that they recognize only two-person relationships. Those decisions, while revolutionary, still adhered to the majoritarian, societal view that only two people can have a family-like relationship; that only people who are ‘committed’ in a way defined by certain traditional factors qualify for protection from ‘one of the harshest decrees known to the law—eviction from one’s home.’
Those decisions, however, open the door for consideration of other relational constructs; and, perhaps, the time has arrived.”2
“Other relational constructs” meaning the judge believes it may be time to consider marriages beyond simply two individuals. This case is incredibly eye-opening for it shows just how steep the hill is that the sexual revolution is snowballing down.
Polygamy: Not Without Support Amongst Americans
Many will be tempted to brush this story aside as nothing but a New York judge acting like a leftist . . . which is not exactly unexpected. However, this is where we cross paths with another piece of data and it is the findings of a Gallup poll from this year. 23% of the American public believes that Polygamy is acceptable which is up from only 7% who held that same position in 2003.3 Friends, pause and let that sink in, we are dealing with over a three times increase amongst those who personally believe in the acceptability of polygamy over roughly twenty years. We are not merely dealing with a flippant remark by a New York judge. Instead, this is a revolution that is picking up more traction as it comes barreling down the hill seemingly running over everything in its path.
Polygamous unions may be increasing in their appeal amongst the population, but that fact does not make them moral. Yet, it does demonstrate something of the spirit determining the ethical behavior of individuals living in modern-day America. They are not foundationally seeking to submit to God who has revealed Himself plainly both generally in His creation and specially in the Scripture. Rather, they are wanting to live in accordance with the identity they choose. Carl Trueman makes the point:
“The problem is obvious: traditional Christianity regards legitimate forms of sexual behavior as confined to a man and a woman within the lifelong bounds of marriage. Today’s world sees sex not so much as behavior but as a matter of identity. The 15-year-old who tells his parents that he is gay is not necessarily making a statement about some sexual experience he may have had. Indeed, he may not have had any such experience at all. Rather, he is making a statement about how he sees his sexual desires as connecting to his identity as a person.”4
It is the same logic which led to the homosexual agenda that is propelling polygamy forward. Men and women today believe their sex is tied to their identity. Therefore, if a man wants to be a woman, or a woman wants to be lesbian, or three men want to be married, the world is increasingly saying they are free to do so because each person determines their own identity.
The Wall At The Bottom
One of the most intriguing parts of a snowball rolling down the hill is the inevitable encounter awaiting it with reality. Whether it is a tree, wall, or something else, that snowball will eventually collide smashing away to oblivion. So also, the LGBTQ revolution has yet to hit the wall of Christianity with full force. By Christianity, I mean the truth about reality as God has made it. Genesis 1:27 says:
“So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.” -Genesis 1:27
Because this is God’s world and He ordained for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life you can be assured that any other idea will end in catastrophe. The snowball will hit the solid steel wall of reality. I do not know all the details as to what will happen when these two forces of Christianity and the sexual revolution collide. I do know that as the revolution encroaches nearer to the point of impact the force of pressure placed upon Christians seeking to live faithfully will be intensified. Those standing firm on matters of biblical morality will be scoffed. Individuals pushing back against the grinding nature of this progressive belief system shall be targeted. Churches that refuse to bow the knee to the idol of man “determining his own destiny” will likely suffer legal battles. However, I do know one thing for sure, and it is the certainty that we must stand strong knowing Christ will prevail.
It is our duty as believers to proclaim the truth fueled by hearts of love for God and others. We want to see homosexuals, leftists, and those practicing every form of sin come to faith in Christ exercising true repentance and being redeemed to live for His glory. This revolution targets those who are children, as evidenced by the fact that it seeks to have 5-year-olds undergo atrocious surgeries to “change their gender.” We must stand against these evils out of love knowing our duty before God to stand for the truth no matter the consequences. As the snowball keeps going down the track, my friends, may we declare the Word of God that pierces to the innermost parts of the soul. Let us see individuals saved, transformed, and brought near to Christ by His power. And, may we stand against every form of evil for the glory of His name and the good of our fellowman!
1 https://washingtonstand.com/commentary/ny-judge-fulfills-scalias-prophecy-time-has-arrived-to-legalize-polygamy
2 https://reason.com/volokh/2022/09/24/in-sum-the-problem-with-the-same-sex-marriage-cases-is-that-they-recognize-only-two-person-relationships/
3 https://news.gallup.com/poll/1681/moral-issues.aspx
4 https://wng.org/opinions/an-unavoidable-collision-1664367933
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