Semi-Trucks Versus Motor Cycles
It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that many aspects of American society specifically and Western culture more broadly have been in a stage of transformation. Like a semi-truck rumbling down the highway at 70 mph hitting a motorcycle, the revolutionary ideological movements have had both a massive and devastating impact. Yet, specifically, it would be hard to overstate the influence the sexual revolution has had over the last few decades. The LGBTQ movement, as much as I disagree with it, has no doubt left a mark on our society. That mark has an impact and an influence in a wide variety of ways. There is the devaluation of the family, then you also must consider the widespread acceptance of homosexuality. Another point is the colossal impact of the transgender movement reaching to a point where many “societal elites” refuse to define what a woman even is in the first place.
In the end, we must ask what kind of strength does it take to stand up to the semi-truck of the LGBTQ revolution? Using a motorcycle will send you to the pavement like a flattened pancake. Nor will a nice pickup truck or car fair any better. No, if we are to stop the advance of the LGBTQ revolution we must use more than these. What we need is a solidified bulwark that can not only withstand the attacks of the enemy but allow us to push them back, vault over the wall, and march forward into their territory. Now, we need to spend some time considering what simply gets crushed by the revolution while also diving into the source of stability against these attacks. This point, is where looking at “The Respect for Marriage Act” comes into play.
Crushed By The Revolution
This particular act, which has already passed the House of Representatives as of this writing, is a product of the LGBTQ sexual revolution. The bill states it desires that no one under the force of a state law may deny:
“full faith and credit to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State pertaining to a marriage between 2 individuals, on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals; or a right or claim arising from such a marriage on the basis that such marriage would not be recognized under the law of that State on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals.”1
Now, the point of this bill I want to zero in upon is the reality that marriage would not be denied to individuals “on the basis of the sex” which is a clear assertion that two men, two women, or a man and a woman getting married would all be equally valid under this bill. It is a clear attempt on the part of those promoting the LGBTQ agenda to codify homosexual “marriage” legislatively into law so that the conservativeish2 majority on the court could not upend the worship of this “golden calf” of the left. Democrats voting for bills stemming from the foundation of cultural Marxism, postmodern relativism, and secular humanism is hardly anything new. However, Carl Trueman and Andrew Walker draw attention to something else important to consider about the passing of this bill:
“What should not escape notice (and what we’ll return to down below) is that 47 Republican members of the House of Representatives voted for it as well.”3
You see, these Republicans are willing to change their views according to the whims of society. Walker and Trueman hit on this reality when talking about the future of the bill in the Senate:
“This brings us to the most important part of this situation. The bill now moves to the Senate, where it will need ten Republican senators to cross the aisle to overcome a filibuster. Talking with Capitol Hill insiders, we’ve heard distressed concerns that were this bill to be given a vote, it could easily pass. That speaks loudly to the way in which a bipartisan elite has converged on a mistaken understanding of key social questions, such as marriage. Of course, public opinion has apparently shifted in favor of gay marriage over the last decade. But truth is not a function of majority opinion or public taste, and what we need more than anything at this point is politicians who resist the post-truth and post-rational culture, even if that brings personal cost. They owe as much to the nation’s children and to future generations.”4
Believing that truth is relative based upon society’s desires is the motorcycle that gets crushed. You ride that vehicle, you’re going to get steamrolled by the revolution. There is no stability in popular opinion. Conservatism anchored in anything but Christ will be smashed by the force of the semi-truck. It will cave, crumble, crackle, and ultimately be totaled by the sheer power of a revolution demanding complete and total surrender. Republicans, or “conservatives” who ground their worldview in anything other than biblical Christianity will cave at some point or another eventually. The Respect for Marriage Act is simply a case study of that reality.
The Impenetrable Foundation
I would assert the majority of political figures on the “conservative” side of the aisle are not thinking in a robustly Christian way according to Scripture. They are on the motorcycles. Looking at the positive side, the semi-truck is coming exceptionally fast down the pike, and when it hits the impenetrable foundation of Christianity it shall splinter into pieces from the sheer force of the collision. A worldview anchored in revealed truth, the Word of God, is that concrete wall we need in our day. Christ or chaos, Christ or destruction, Christ or fiery judgment must be our clear and resounding cry! The conservatives without Christ do not have the strength to stand consistently because they are not standing on the only stable unchanging foundation of God and His Word.
Long after the LGBTQ revolution is an artifact of history, biblical Christianity shall be resoundingly strong. It shall be marching forward with believers proclaiming the glory of God, the greatness of Christ, and living faithfully for His name. Just as Roman paganism was shown to be foolish by the spread of the Gospel, so one day in the future people shall see the folly of the LGBTQ revolution after it is an enemy placed under Christ’s feet destroyed by His power. The nations may pay homage to the pretend illusion of “homosexual marriage” but He who sits in the heavens laughs at their rebellion (Psalm 2:4). He is not threatened, God does not shutter at the schemes of politicians or rulers bent on rebelling against Him. Instead, He laughs, because their rebellion is nothing compared to the scope of His power and He shall deal with them according to the good pleasure of His will at His own timing. But, those holding to a Christless conservatism will fall at some point, only a robust biblical worldview can withstand the attacks of the enemy.
This, my friends, is perhaps one of the primary lessons we learn from these Republicans who caved. What would be my suggestion? Repent! Come to Christ and see Him for the glorious One He is. It is His kingdom which shall last forever and His throne shall not be overcome. Therefore, preach His Gospel, apply His Word, and live faithfully according to it. Do not ground your thinking in a belief system or worldview which neglects to be explicitly biblical and Christ-centered. I am no doubt a conservative, but my conservatism is not anchored in popular opinion or a supposedly neutral belief system, but in the Word of God itself! That bulwark shall not fall against the attacks of the enemy. It shall shatter the enemy in pieces allowing us to charge forward for the glory of Christ. May we be steadfast holding firm to His name in an age of insanity!
2 Yes, I invented this word!
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