A Wrongheaded Accusation
Quite often one of the actions undertaken by those who oppose a specific group is to accuse those individuals maliciously. For example, in 1 Kings 18:17, Scripture records King Ahab calling the prophet Elijah the “troubler of Israel.” It was not Elijah who was causing the turmoil for God’s people, but Ahab and all those practicing idolatry. What is seen in this case is not only a false accusation being levied, but also the reality that Ahab accused Elijah of being in reality what he was himself. Ahab was the troubler yet he wanted to place that label upon the prophet of God. Elijah makes this fact very clear when he proclaims that he is not the troubler of Israel, rather the king and his ancestry had troubled the nation via their abandonment of God and His commands (1 Kings 18:18).
Recently, the Canadian government has played the role of King Ahab. Not only by falsely accusing others of the perversity they themselves are committing, but also by acting idolatrously before God, abandoning His commandments, and bowing before idols Canada’s government has followed Ahab’s example perfectly. Bill C-4 is what I primarily have in reference on this point. This legislation serves to criminalize any attempted “conversion therapy” whereby an individual seeks to help others come free from sexual perversities like homosexuality or transgenderism.1 The bill explicitly states:
“Whereas conversion therapy causes harm to society because, among other things, it is based on and propagates myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, including the myth that heterosexuality, cisgender gender identity, and gender expression that conforms to the sex assigned to a person at birth are to be preferred over other sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions;”
Now, the language of this bill is difficult to read if you are not familiar with the verbiage of the LGBTQ+ movement. Heterosexuality, as you probably know references opposite-sex relations (i.e. male and female) cisgender identity is the gender assigned at birth, and gender expression, of course, relates to the way you live out your life as your gender. Therefore, this bill is saying that if you believe the sex assigned to a person by God to be elevated over and above what humanity thinks or feels, then you are promoting myths. However, in this article, I will contend it is the Canadian government that is guilty of promoting myths, denying reality, and blaspheming God.
Unstable Argumentation
The bill is undergirded by the philosophical idea human beings can change their gender. Canada’s government is not against the promotion of all so-called gender conversions, it does not denounce someone trying to help a man in his desire to become a woman. What this bill casts aside is the idea of a person in the LGBTQ movement getting counseling to come to a biblical understanding of sexuality. This fact is clearly evidenced by the definition given of conversion therapy in the bill where it states the marks of practices falling under conversion therapy:
“(a) change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;”
“(b) change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;”
“(c) change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth;”
“(d) repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour;”
“(e) repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or”
“(f) repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.”
You will notice the Canadian government does not take aim at one individual trying to convince someone to “change” to homosexual instead of heterosexual, yet under this bill to try to change someone from homosexual to heterosexual will be deemed illegal. What is at play here is the attempt to exclude biblical sexuality from all of life. They are not concerned with humanity believing it can choose its own sexual perversity, but they are rebelling against the idea God determines a person’s gender since He is their Creator. Any attempt to bring a person back from wicked rebellion to Christ is seen as a practice of mythic proportions by this regime.
It is precisely on this point (and everywhere else for that matter) that the bill’s logic is shown to be faulty. The argumentation unravels spiraling down the bottomless pit of insanity. Underlying this bill is the foundational belief human beings determine their own identity. In other words, if someone is born biologically male but feels as though they want to be a female then that individual must be female and their body needs to conform to the fiction of their mind. However, the bill is actually inconsistent with that very logic. Because if someone chooses to identify as transgender, talks to another, and realizes that was a mistake deciding to change course living out their real gender instead, that attempt to bring someone back to reality was actually based upon myth according to the government. This point shows the bias of the bill and its totalitarian nature. The ideological beliefs driving the bill and logic used by its proponents falls on its own head as entirely inconsistent.
Welcome To Reality
It is entirely predictable for this bill to be inconsistent because it is actually based upon myths and lies itself. For someone to believe they have the ability as a human being to change their own gender and determine their reality flies in the face of the reality that God is the Creator and they are the creation. Literally, it is impossible for someone to change their own gender. You cannot be born a male then change to a female, it is not possible, at the end of the day the chromosome still says XX or XY because your body was made that way by God. Feelings and surgeries do not trump factual reality!
The entirety of the last paragraph is considered myth by the authorities of the Canadian government. Yet, it is Christ who will judge all men on the last day, not Caesar. Therefore, I would urge all the officials unanimously supporting this bill and the entirety of those who promote it to repent and place faith in Jesus Christ who is the risen Lord. Those practicing sexual perversity should hear a clear voice from the church as to the biblical message that there are only two genders and the only sanctioned place for sexual activity is in the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 1-2, Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). It is not loving for the church to be silent on sin when the lost are on their way to hell. Love for God and others dictates we speak with courage and boldness on this issue for God has spoken in the Word.
Responding To The Totalitarian Government
Undoubtedly Christians in Canada are now living in a different situation, though the government has been totalitarian for a while now as evidenced by their imprisonment of pastors like James Coates. I would encourage all of us to pray for our brothers and sisters to be faithful to Christ in this hour by proclaiming His Lordship. On Sunday, January 16th, 2022 pastors in Canada and America will be uniting to preach sermons on biblical sexuality in response to this evil mandate. If you are a pastor, I would highly encourage you to participate in this effort to send a clear message honoring God by proclaiming His Word and the Gospel by addressing the specific lies of this movement. Here is the link with more information if you would like to stand with our Canadian brothers and sisters in this way!
For all Christians, let us see this as a warning that secularism is an ugly beast bent on opposition to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have no doubt it shall be defeated as all of the enemies standing against the Lord will be. May we take courage in our Lord being strengthened by His Word to stand fighting the battles He has given to us for His glory!
1 All quotes from bill C-4 are taken from this link where you can read the full text of this bill:
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