When Men Hesitate
One of the greatest evils of our day is not only the fact that weak men act like weak men, but also that many of the men who were supposedly strong are actually double-minded. Certainly, this is not true in every case, I can think of men like John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, James White, and Owen Strachan, who are standing bravely against the enemy with great clarity. However, many of the men who years ago we would have thought to be the first to the fray are, at the very least, still deciding which side to join or are outright pulling for the opposing camp. Few would disagree that our era is not characterized by peace. Rather, we understand it is a war between two different sides fighting for two very distinct visions of the future.
What bothers me most is not so much that there are enemies, that reality obviously exists in a fallen world, yet that which is exceedingly disconcerting must be the amount of double-minded men in our day. Men who will not venture into the battle because they might offend someone by using the weapon Christ has given to them. Those who refuse to go to the forefront because they want to appeal to individuals on both sides of the issue. They will not go to the right side of the battlefield, nor to the left, but stay smack dab in the middle as Mr. Doubleminded has instructed them. It is as though they are standing on the wall between the two sides. Jumping over to the left when it is best for them to do so, and jumping back to the right should circumstance dictate. Instead of pursuing Christ undividedly, yielding to His Word without hesitation, they are double-minded, leading them to waver between two opinions. It is to these men I address this article today sincerely hoping they will listen to Scripture’s plea.
Mr. Doubleminded’s School
I am well aware that many of the souls trying to venture in the middle have been instructed by the theological teaching of Mr. Doubleminded. He too picks up the Scripture claiming to be thoroughly biblical in his professions. Yet, there is an intriguingly fascinating aspect of his theology. Mr. Doubleminded refuses to take firm stances on Scriptural issues. When he comes to a passage of Scripture, he teaches his students to simply list what commentaries from multiple perspectives state, then allow each congregant to decide for themselves. Mr. Doubleminded never has been one to take an especially firm stance because that would be too “dogmatic” for our age. Such individuals who took firm stances like Paul and Peter were a bit over the top, according to his opinion. In fact, one of Mr. Doubleminded’s favorite examples of being overly dogmatic is Paul’s letter to the Galatians, where he “accurses” those preaching a different Gospel. Mr. Doubleminded steps back in horror at such a claim.
Mr. Doubleminded is an elderly fellow, having established his school of thought at the Fall of Adam. His educational institution boasts the ranks of such figures as the Israelites who groaned against Moses in his attempt to bring to conquer Canaan as God commanded (Numbers 14). Also, amongst the graduates of Mr. Doubleminded’s school can be found the men who would not fight against Goliath for they had divided interests, unlike David, who was solely devoted to God. This seasoned teacher also has the rich young ruler amongst his ranks, who went away sorrowful because he would not commit solely to the Lord Jesus (Mark 10:17-31). Even a member of the inner disciples of Christ, Peter, went through a spell with Mr. Doubleminded. The professor exercised his influence upon the Apostle when he denied Christ three times, though Peter did not follow the course of his teaching, he did give into the temptation for a moment.
Coming to our more modern-day, the 20th century boasts the tale of such individuals as those who would not oppose the Nazis during their rise to power. Mr. Doubleminded convinced them that launching serious efforts of resistance to Hitler would be overly harsh, so they sat down divided between two opinions unsure of what to do . . . until it was too late. In our own century, Mr. Doubleminded and his students exercise their influence in a vast amount of ways. Preachers who will not take decisive stands upon Scripture deciding to waver between two opinions far too long instead of simply proclaiming what God has said. Men who will not lead in the spheres God has given to them, but abdicate authority believing it would be “toxic” for them to practice biblical leadership. They demonstrate allegiance to Mr. Doubleminded’s school by practicing manhood according to the world which means abdicating responsibilities, neglecting their familial duties, living without courage, and entirely misunderstanding their God-given role. Mr. Doubleminded extends his influence to all of us, wanting us to follow our sinful desires instead of hearkening unto Christ.
A Different School
Thankfully, there is a different school of thought with a much more faithful history than Mr. Doubleminded’s students. Men like Noah, Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah Paul, John, and countless others throughout redemptive history have graduated from this school. Their teacher is none other than Christ, who alone is their Master. Instead of wavering between two opinions, these fine individuals are prepared for the day of battle boldly standing upon the Word of God. They are the Elijah’s who rebuke the people for undecidedly wavering between two opinions and urge them to serve the living God (1 Kings 18:21). These are the men we need to lead today.
And so, dear friends, I urge you to cast aside Mr. Doublemindedness who has always been a servant of Satan casting discord and deception amongst the saints. Let us be among those who understand the Lordship of Christ acting with clarity upon that reality! May we not be unstable as double-minded men, but rather those who take up the sword running to the heat of the battle for the glory of God armed with the truth of His Word. God did not intend for His people to be deceived or unable to understand the truth, He gave them the truth in the Scripture. Now, by the power of His Spirit, may we act decisively upon the truth without hesitation!
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