The Insane Age Where Sanity is Considered Insane
One of the side effects of living in a culture that has lost its marbles is the temptation to question one’s own sanity at certain points. It is not just that our society has lost its mind, rather, it lost its mind and many in our culture do not care to ever find it again! I am not necessarily talking about the everyday American, I have yet to be convinced most of America is on board with all of the insanity being driven by the radical left as of the moment. However, when you are continually bombarded with insanity being pressed by those in leadership positions who strongly desire to practice it, many begin to wonder if they themselves are actually the sane ones.
Now, particularly for those of you who are Christians and feel like you are stranded on an island with no help, I have you in mind. It is my goal in this post to reassure you that we are not the ones who have insane beliefs. Understand, I am not using the word “insanity” to reference the fact someone should be in a mental ward or anything of that sort. Perhaps that is the case for some individuals, but I am using the word in this post to discuss a belief that is nonsensical. If you believe that saying 2+2=4 is racist, then you hold an insane belief and should immediately order a new calculator since it is clearly malfunctioning. Likewise, if you are one of those souls who believe there are over 300 genders, I would urge you to come to a logical position based in reality. However, you would likely also hold another faulty belief and assert logic is simply a product of “white colonialism” which would take us to more foundational issues. Nonetheless, I want to reassure my fellow Bible-believing Christians we are not the ones with a faulty worldview. Rather, it is those who have bought into the heightened insanity who need to change their position.
Reality is Reality and Railing Against Reality Cannot Change Reality
Christianity is true not by virtue of excellent adherents, but because the One who founded it is the only Excellent One. Truth is true since God created it that way, and all truth is found in Him who cannot lie. Reality has been set up the way it is not by the wishes of men, but the will of God. Therefore, Christianity, a truly biblical worldview, will not go astray because the One who determined truth is the author of the Christian faith. The reason for believers not buying into the insanity of this world has nothing to do with us but everything to do with God. He is the One who has saved us, and we now bow to the Lordship of Christ as those transformed by Him. This fact necessitates we, as Christians, submit to reality as determined by God. The objective of our life is to be increasingly conformed to the image of Christ by obeying the Scripture. We understand this is God’s world, and as the Creator He sets the rules for it.
However, there are those who believe they can fight the reality of this world as created by God and also fight the One who determines reality. They proudly believe this fight will prove to be a winning battle. Eve fell prey to this temptation in the garden. God had told humanity what would happen if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, yet she believed Satan’s lie instead. She chose to deny reality believing instead the fictional promise of Satan that she would “be like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5).” The builders of the Tower of Babel also sought to deny the reality of God’s command. After the flood, God repeated the command given to humanity that they must “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1).” Instead of fulfilling the reality of this duty given to them by God, mankind decided to build the Tower of Babel so they could make a name for themselves and not be dispersed over the entire earth (Genesis 11:4). As we all know, a bit of language confusion and the entire building process was exasperated. Clearly, it is difficult to build a tower when you don’t know how to communicate with the person standing next to you. Yet again, a clear picture that humanity cannot deny reality and get away with it.
What Christians are trying to tell the culture right now is that the society in which we live is attempting the same fundamental flaw as Eve and those building the tower. Anyone living in disobedience to God is denying the reality of their Creator, His authority, and their duty to live for His glory. As such, they will experience the same result as every single human always has who attempts to rebel against God. They will be brought to futility either in this life, eternity, or likely both. However, those living in the reality of God because of His grace will reign with Him forever. It is not that we are given salvation because we have greater intelligence than others, rather it is that we are the ones who used to live in rebellion against God, but now live in submission to Him because of Christ’s work in our lives. Denying God will not end well either in this life or the one to come. It will result in God’s judgment and it is like banging your head against a brick wall. The only dent you make is inflicted upon yourself.
Being A Part of the Sane
The difficult part on the side of the believer is to maintain trust and faithfulness in God when everything and everyone around them is telling them to do the contrary. It takes faith to be Noah patiently building the ark as commanded by God when you have never seen a flood like you have been told is coming. Yet, that is exactly the situation we often find ourselves in as Christians. The sane ones were not the individuals who flaunted their sin and perhaps even ridiculed Noah for building a massive boat and putting the animals on an ark. As they quickly found out once the water came, Noah and his family were the ones who had acted wisely because God had been gracious to them, and they lived obediently.
My plea to Christians is to be like Noah. The floodgates will open upon the ghastly beast of secularism, thereby ultimately destroying it. In the meantime, we must deal with the ridiculing, and slanderous remarks as to our “insanity” like all the saints have before our time. We must rely upon God, trust His perfect Word, live with humble obedience, and preach the truth of God to those around us. Let us not buy into the insanity, rather, let us demonstrate to the world what it means to live in obedience before God calling them to do the same for the glory of their Creator!
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