Rulership By Controlling Truth
The battle between truth and lies is at the heart of the fight determining whether a nation cowers into enslavement or bravely carries the torch of freedom. Few individuals actually recognize how powerfully tyrannical states wield the force of lies to shackle their own agendas upon the country. Communist and totalitarian dictators must break the will of the people through a barrage of falsehood, so they no longer seek what is true but only listen attentively to state propaganda. Once the people are trained to passionately believe whatever big brother wants, then the tyrant has achieved his goal of wielding absolute power over the people. In Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher makes this point with boulder force. He says, “All the lies and lies about lies, that formed the communist order were built on this foundational lie: the communist state is the sole source of truth.”
This claim by the dictatorial state is inherently theological. Communists seemingly worship the state as their god. Yet, perhaps it is not the state which they worship, but their own love of power. Because they love power, they want the government which they control to be seen by the people as supreme. If the masses of common citizens like you and I believe to go against the state is to fight against truth itself, then we have already bowed before the false god. The communist objective for total power in a nation will be achieved when its citizens pay the incense at the altar. In order for this statist victory to occur, all other truth claims must be silenced. The despicable individuals who disagree must be punished. Those who would have the audacity to seek truth must be cast out of society. Religious individuals must make their deities submit to the rule of the state. No opinion which dissents from the leaders can be allowed to continue lest the domino effect of doubting lies be initiated.
The Commitment Which Defeats Totalitarianism
In our day, the U.S.A. has many falsehoods floating within its borders. The demi-gods preaching the “divine truth” of the state want us to believe men can become women, fire-lit cities are examples of peaceful protests, and America is rottenly evil to the core. Indeed, these preachers proclaim lies with all their might by using artful persuasion. Their divine writing is the laws passed by the government, and their act of worship is to convert the masses into good little servants of big brother. What then can the average American do against this onslaught of lies seeking to fasten chains of slavery around us and future generations? How can we resist the mighty boot of totalitarians who squelch anyone daring to dissent?
Fundamentally, we must have a commitment to truth by understanding truth transcends the government and ourselves. Something is not true because I say it is or because the government issues an edict declaring it to be so. As an individual, I merely recognize 2+2=4, I am not the one who invented the accurate mathematical equation. Humanity discovered the laws of gravity but did not create this fact. These laws are not true because human beings say they are, they are true because that is how the universe was created by God. If any human denies gravity, they will end up seeing the folly of that decision rather quickly! Because truth is not determined by the individual, we can pursue it meaningfully apart from seeing governmental authorities as our ultimate standard. Humans must not depend on the state for truth, it is truth which is above the state because God is supreme. A healthy citizenry committed to the truth will keep totalitarian bondage from being fastened around them, for truth is the most powerful weapon of all.
Live By Truth
Citizens of America must blast the battle cry that the lies of the state will not be affirmed by them as individuals. Every individual must commit to live according to what is true for the sake of that which is good. Complacent individuals indoctrinated by others believe everything the state says, thereby ensnaring themselves in the exquisitely fashioned lies of elitists. The pursuit of that which is true and virtuous will pave the path to America being free yet again. Every single person must commit to a source of truth higher than the state, and that is Almighty God. The founding fathers spoke of the Creator who granted individuals their rights. They clearly understood the role of government was not to determine truth, but submit to the God of truth and fulfill the role of protecting rights given to citizens by Him. It is our duty to walk in the light of divine truth continuing down the path blazed for us by our heroic ancestors lest we fall for the satanic lies of our day.
Will you and I be the generation of Americans who welcomed totalitarianism by believing lies? Perhaps we might be the era of Americans who loved the truth , stood firm, and ushered in a newfound love for freedom and patriotism. Time will tell which legacy we shall leave to be recorded by historians. I cannot prophesy as to the future, but each of us can take responsibility for our own actions in the moment. Therefore, let the state consider itself divine, we will not bow with our pinch of incense on the altar. Lies can be told, we shall not believe in them no matter the cost. Truth can be hidden, we will still pursue and uncover it regardless of how deep it is buried and obscured. Freedom can still ring in this country, but it will come through a people who love truth and hate lies. Let the new era of freedom begin with us as individuals who refuse to submit ourselves to the lies!
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