Freedom Vs Tyranny
Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom -Alexis De Tocqueville
Freedom is risky, it is dangerous, it is not safe, and it is frankly impossible to maintain without a people who are willing to protect it. As De Tocqueville says, it is hard to learn how to use freedom. What we are seeing right now in our day and age is that the path to dictatorial rule will be pushed through the ideal of “safety.” Governmental authorities have overstepped their legal boundaries. Politicians have locked down citizens despite freedom being an American value. Medical professionals have been placed in the position of the demi-god with all-knowing capabilities. The gravest aspect for concern is that the American people seem all too willing to go right along with this narrative.
Maybe you researched it and decided to take the COVID vaccine, I did research and will not take it. If you based your decision on research you performed and took the initiative to undertake that process of gaining knowledge, then I can respectfully tip my hat and humbly disagree with your assessment. What I want to focus on in this post is some of the concerning factors of recent events regarding Coronavirus and why every American should be deeply concerned about the encroaching nature of the government through this entire scenario.
Biden’s Tweeting Amendments
Apparently President Biden now believes he can tweet amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Ok, I might be being a bit facetious here, nonetheless he clearly believes he can overstep his bounds. After the CDC changed their guidelines to say that vaccinated people do not have to wear a mask, President Biden said this:
“The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.”1
First of all, I think President Biden must have forgotten his role, time will tell whether this is intentional or unintentional forgetfulness. He has no authority based upon the U.S. Constitution to make a law in and of his own power. His role is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress. Note how even the official Whitehouse webpage says this explicitly:
“Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.”2
Yet, we see the President saying “The rule is now simple . . .” What rule are you referencing again Mr. President? Did the CDC all of the sudden become the legislative branch of the government? President Biden’s thought on this issue demonstrate his eagerness to go forward and use COVID to encroach on freedom. What if I, as a free American citizen, decide not to wear a mask on my face? What if I decide I am not going to inject the vaccine into my body? Am I now viewed as a public enemy by the federal government? Am I too much of a health risk to be given liberty in Biden’s America?
An Intriguing Point To be Made
Many in the American government at large have forgotten a valuable fact. My rights as a human being are not given to me by the Federal Government. They are given to me by God and the government exists to protect my rights as a citizen. I don’t need to ask the government whether or not I can go outside without a mask on my face. Nor do I need their permission to go into a building without having taken the vaccine. Wearing a mask or not, getting the vaccine or not, are individual decisions to be made by each citizen. The government has no business whatsoever in dictating to me what I should or should not do as to this decision. However, the reason the government is increasingly overstepping its bounds is because it has forgotten God.
President Biden does not understand the concept of inalienable rights bestowed by a Creator. Both the President and individuals like him do not comprehend that topic. This point is incredibly important to digest and if you do not get it you will not be able to stand up for freedom in this crisis and in those to come in the next several years. The rights you have as a person are not given to you by the government, nor by the president, or the congress, and not by the Constitution. They are recognized by the Constitution, but are given to you by God. Since they are given by God, no political or governmental authority has the right to take them away.
Why is understanding this concept so vital? There are many differences between Joe Biden and Patrick Henry. However, the greatest difference is that Patrick Henry was willing to fight for and if need be to die for the fulfillment of his duty to defend what was right before God. Hence, why he said, “give me liberty or give me death.” Liberty and freedom are given by God. Unless that fact is understood, the state will be viewed as divine and it will take away liberty through some sort of “good measure.” In our day, it is the doctrine of “safetyism” via the COVID narrative is the “good measure” they will use to take away freedom. They will strip your freedom away while claiming to do it for your safety.
Like I said earlier, freedom has never been safe, but it is good and righteous. However, the chains of tyranny are neither good, nor righteous, nor safe, just ask the millions who died at the hands of Communism in the 20th century. You are given the choice between the “safety” of being enslaved to a dictator which in the end you will find is not safe at all. Or, you can embrace the “danger” of freedom as our founding fathers did and be willing to stand for human rights bestowed by God. Tyranny will come through the proclamation of false promises of safety. Freedom will come by standing for what is good, righteous, and just before God. Time will tell which one the American people will choose. Will we be like the patriots of our past, or like the brainwashed millions slaughtered by tyrants in the 20th century?
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